You're gonna have to tell me how you do the voiceover. Both in equipment setup and how you read for 16 mins without fucking up. I screwed up 17 times in the first paragraph, but it didn't matter because my audio was shit anyway. Do pray tell.

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Haha! I have a borrowed Shure podcasting microphone that plugs directly into my laptop, and by the time I get around to reading it out... I've spent so much time with the article that reading it out is easy. That's kinda my ultimate goal in writing these tho - making it easy to read/say out loud, so maybe I'm succeeding? For me, anyway.

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I did my first audio read this week. It was fucking brutal. I probably spent four hours using Descript, a very cool audio recording tool that instantly transcribes, but also allows you to delete / edit super fast. I kept screwing it up (my fault, not the tools) until I finally just did a one take version using the Substack recording tool, lol.

Also, my audio kinda sounds like butt, but I am in an open room, so that probably doesn't help.

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