Awesome post here Raziq! Thank you and wow to Louise! What courage.

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Thanks. Louise is doing amazing things.

The more people talking about it the better, in my opinion, and I know you're doing your part there.

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Yes! I agree...keep pushing courage. Thank you Raziq. People need to know they are not alone, and that it's possible to get through circumstance such as this. I hope to spread that message with my next book.

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I don’t enjoy running, but I do really enjoy your writing 🥰

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My ideal reader haha!

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Great article, obviously I can-not relate to what she went through. However, as I recover from back surgery, I can relate to the mental health aspect. I even had to move ,y sitting spot as I,was getting angry watching the runners in my neighborhood. Great read and inspiring from someone that is,inspired

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Good luck with your recovery

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Razik - Thanks for all the great stories and interviews you do here!!

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Thanks for reading!

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This is such a powerful story. Thank you for writing it. And bravo for writing about a woman-specific issue. Writers are intimidated or criticized for writing about different identities and issues that they can't personally experience, especially regarding race and gender. But you writing this story helps it reach a wider audience, and you did it with sensitivity and curiosity. I recently wrote abut a runner cancer survivor, and it moved me to do more to personally try to prevent cancer through lifestyle and nutrition, and to support cancer fundraisers. Like Louise, the woman I wrote about blew me away with her resiliency and strength to run after so much treatment and surgeries. Here it is if you're interested. Keep up the good storytelling! https://www.trailrunnermag.com/people/live-through-this/

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That's very nice of you to say, because I can tell you that I was very worried about doing Louise's story justice! I welcome difficulty into my life haha

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